39. Crowd Work

The Story of Nowhere – Studies in Utopianism and Humanity

The Story of Nowhere (available as eBook, Audiobook, & Paperback): https://storyofnowhere.com/book/

The Story of Nowhere Podcast Introductory Episode—“Episode Zero”: https://storyofnowhere.com/zero/

A Brief History of Critical Thinking Full Series

Episode 7: “The Constitution of the Invisible Government”

Episode 10: “The Lost Utopia of Socrates”

Myth, Empire, & Utopia: The Rise and Rule of Britannia Full Series

The Nowhere Library

Website: storyofnowhere.com/library

Email: nowherelibrary@mail.com

Music Credits:

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind – Gustave Le Bon

“Le Bon, Gustave (1841-1931)” – Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism

  • “Crowds are credulous, unpremeditated in their actions, and untrustworthy as a source of reliable testimony. The crowd’s ‘collective mind’ responds to suggestions more readily than the individual minds of its members, hence its ‘servility’ in the face of strong authority.”
  • “Edward Bernays, widely regarded as the father of modern advertising, drew heavily on Le Bon’s work when formulating his ideas on propaganda and mass manipulation.”

“Gustave Le Bon: The Nature of Crowds” – Academy of Ideas (YouTube)

“Crowds, Obedience, and the Psychology of Group Behavior” – American Psychological Association

“Bystander Effect” – Psychology Today

“Roman Emperor Constantine’s Conversion to Christianity” – Classic History

  • “When Constantine declared himself a Christian, a third of the Roman empire is thought to have been Christians.”

The Republic – Plato

“Knowledge and Propaganda” (1928) – Joseph Goebbels

Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes (1962) – Jacques Ellul

“The Purpose of Schooling” – John Taylor Gatto (YouTube)

The Underground History of American Education (2000) – John Taylor Gatto

“The Undeniable Truth as it Relates to Professional Sports: Five Facts” – The Fix is In (Brian Tuohy, author of The Fix is In)

“Supercut: Democrats Refusing Vaccine During Trump Presidency” (BitChute)

Meno – Plato

Socratic Logic (2010) – Peter Kreeft

“Mark Antony’s Speech” – Julius Caesar (YouTube)

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