38. Man, Tool, and Telos, Pt. 2: End of Man, End of Machine

The Story of Nowhere – Studies in Utopianism and Humanity
The Story of Nowhere (available as eBook, Audiobook, & Paperback): https://storyofnowhere.com/book/
Episode 20: “The Domesday Device”
Episode 22: “What is(n’t) Aristotle: Discussing ‘On Interpretation'”
Episode 37: “Man, Tool, and Telos, Pt. 1: The Technological Society”
The Nowhere Library
Website: storyofnowhere.com/library
Email: nowherelibrary@mail.com
Music Credits:
Ray Kurzweil Interview – The Joe Rogan Experience #2117
“The Immortal Ambitions of Ray Kurzweil: A Review of Transcendent Man” – Scientific American
“Aristotle” – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The Four Causes (quoted from Aristotle’s Physics):
- “[Material:] One way in which cause is spoken of is that out of which a thing comes to be and which persists, e.g. the bronze of the statue, the silver of the bowl, and the genera of which the bronze and the silver are species.
- “[Formal:] In another way cause is spoken of as the form or the pattern, i.e. what is mentioned in the account (logos) belonging to the essence and its genera, e.g. the cause of an octave is a ratio of 2:1, or number more generally, as well as the parts mentioned in the account (logos).
- “[Efficient:] Further, the primary source of the change and rest is spoken of as a cause, e.g. the man who deliberated is a cause, the father is the cause of the child, and generally the maker is the cause of what is made and what brings about change is a cause of what is changed.
- “[Final:] Further, the end (telos) is spoken of as a cause. This is that for the sake of which (hou heneka) a thing is done, e.g. health is the cause of walking about. ‘Why is he walking about?’ We say: ‘To be healthy’—and, having said that, we think we have indicated the cause.”
“Classicism” – Encyclopedia Britannica Online
The Documentaries of Adam Curtis
Epigenetics (briefly)